Monday, November 20, 2006


I'm afraid I'm not very good at using new communication technologies (especially those that involve the internet and computers) to keep in touch with, or find new friends.

I have no friends that I have met over the internet - only those I meet in person. I don't think I'll ever find a friend over the internet - partially because I'm not into internet chat and partially because I don't think you can really trust a person you haven't met in person.

I think it's often difficult enough to judge a person when you first meet them face-to-face, let alone having the added burden of not being able to see them. I believe it's much harder to lie to someones face then it is to a keyboard and computer screen. I think there is a lot you can tell about a person by their body language, their tone and their eyes; all things that simply can't be wittnessed over a computer.

Although I do use my email regularly, it is mainly to communicate with my employer and uni tutors etc. I enjoy recieving funny emails but don't go out of my way to pass them on (unless it is really good). I hate chain letters and those emails that tell you unless you forward it to 10052 people in the next 5 minutes you'll never be able to speak again and will die a slow but terrible death before the year 2009; nor do I believe that if I send a message to 7 friends my wish will come true at 11.05pm that evening.

However, dispite all my negativity toward new communication technologies, I do rely on my mobile phone emmensly and don't know what I would do without the internet.

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